
About Us

Sheila is a Professional Photographers of America Certified Professional Photographer.  Professional Photographers of America (PPA) is the world's largest non-profit association organized for professional photographers, by professional photographers…and with over 25,000 creative members in 54 countries. 

Sheila has attained the Master of Photography Degree as well.  PPA’s Merit & Degree program (PPA’s longest-standing educational program). She has earned PPA’s Master degree that recognizes her achievements in the profession. It means she has met PPA’s standards of excellence and service. More importantly, it is a benchmark for excellence that you can trust her studio to provide you with quality imaging fit for your occasion.  After all, she is one of only 2,100 PPA photographers who have earned such a degree…only about 4% of the total membership.



Eric Rutledge is a young exciting photographer who is bringing a new generation to the studio.  He currently is a retouching artist in the studio and an event photographer.  His fun loving personality at events and sessions keep things lively. 


We have many different product areas and our services are designed for custom sessions and products. Please call the studio for our pricing.